Please note that we are still in the process of rebuilding this website so some links may not be ready/work. - Nov 2024


Click on the puppy’s name to see more information and additional pictures of the puppy.

90% of our puppies are SOLD before they reach 8 weeks old. We DO NOT hold puppies without a deposit. In order to accept a deposit we need you to fill out the Puppy Questionnaire so we can send you a deposit contract. This contract will be sent via DocuSign. The information in the Puppy Questionnaire is ALSO what will be on the AKC paperwork for your puppy so make sure it is correct. Only available puppies are listed on this page, puppies with deposits will not be listed.

Puppy Questionnaire



GKK Nemesis Elysium x GKK Zaldrīzes Buzdari Iksos Daor

This litter was born 11/25. 13 Black & Rust Euro line puppies. These are Z factor free puppies with two working parents.


Brown Collar Female

Light Blue Collar Male





GKK Zero Cash Beauty x OUTSIDE STUD

Beauty has had 6 puppies, 3 Black and Tan 2 males 1 female, and 3 female whites.

Guardiankin’s Oathbound Soldier x OUTSIDE STUD

Pairing in mid to late 2025. eds, Blacks, Blues, Fawn, White, and Melanistic are all possible from this combo. The majority of this litter will be Blacks & Whites. This litter is from Z factor lines.

Guardiankin’s A Soldiers Pledge x OUTSIDE STUD

Pairing in mid to late 2025. eds, Blacks, Blues, Fawn, White, and Melanistic are all possible from this combo. The majority of this litter will be Blacks & Whites. This litter is from Z factor lines.


Please join our waitlist.